Schneck Law Group LLC

Over $150,000,000.00 of property taxes have been refunded by the property tax attorneys associated with Schneck Law Group LLC.

Schneck Law Group LLC exclusively represents property owners in property tax appeals and focuses on reducing real estate taxes on commercial, industrial and multi-tenant real estate. Schneck Law Group LLC has 3 property tax attorneys and a staff of trained paralegals. The firm's founder and managing member, Michael Schneck, may be reached via email at

For a free consultation about a potential property tax appeal, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Direct Dial: (973) 533-9300, ext. 1

Friday, January 23, 2009

Highest Property Taxes In The Country

Residents who reside in three New Jersey Counties pay more in real estate taxes as a percentage of homeowner median income than residents of any other county in the United States. Specifically, residents who reside in Passaic County, N.J. pay on average 8.5% of their income in real estate taxes. Close behind are the residents who reside in Union County, N.J. and Essex County, N.J. who pay on average 8.1% of their income in property taxes.

Given that real estate values have fallen drastically in the last several months, residents who reside within Passaic, Union and Essex counties should give the thought of filing a real estate tax appeal on their property heavy consideration.

The full article posted on may be found by clicking the words Real Estate Tax Appeal Attorney.


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