Schneck Law Group LLC

Over $150,000,000.00 of property taxes have been refunded by the property tax attorneys associated with Schneck Law Group LLC.

Schneck Law Group LLC exclusively represents property owners in property tax appeals and focuses on reducing real estate taxes on commercial, industrial and multi-tenant real estate. Schneck Law Group LLC has 3 property tax attorneys and a staff of trained paralegals. The firm's founder and managing member, Michael Schneck, may be reached via email at

For a free consultation about a potential property tax appeal, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Direct Dial: (973) 533-9300, ext. 1

Sunday, June 15, 2008

A Great 50th Birthday Present

On Thursday, in a single, unanimous vote, the Senate granted tenure to the Honorable Vito L. Bianco, judge of the Tax Court of New Jersey. Although the day a judge receives tenure is a special day for every judge, last Thursday was especially noteworthy to Judge Bianco as it was also Judge Bianco's 50th birthday.


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